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Phishing archive

PHISHING EMAILS: Hai superato il 98% della capacità della tua casella postale. Esegui l'upgrade adesso

We inform you that we have received today reports of the receipt of phishing emails. The emails imitate Aruba official communications in appearance and content, reproducing Aruba logos and formatting.
We inform you that we have received today reports of the receipt of phishing emails. The emails imitate Aruba official communications in appearance and content, reproducing Aruba logos and formatting.

This message does not come from Aruba, so we are asking that all customers:
  • do not reply to the email;
  • do not follow the instructions;
  • do not enter any personal details;
  • do not open the link provided;
  • read the information below.
Below is an example of said email, so you can recognize it immediately:
Hai superato il 98% della capacità della tua casella postale. Esegui l'upgrade adesso


Thank you for your attention.

Aruba S.p.A. Customer Care